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Fruits of my Daily Meditation 3

Prayer Fruits of my Daily Meditation 3 https://youtu.be/FyUK8wnZE7w

14 faith-searching prayers to keep us closer to our God.

1, Let me love you truly o dearest Lord

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With my whole heart, without comparing myself with others and without fear or shame, let me love you truly o dear Lord, in others and myself. You created human beings beautifully in your image and no one is ugly in your sight. Fill me with love for you and others, and for your creation as a whole. Dearest Father, I love you. Amen

2, Thank you Father for people around me

What a horrible experience it could have been Lord if I were to live alone in this world, but you are so generous to give me companions to journey with. What a blessing from a loving Father. The people around me are a wonderful blessing from you. Different artworks with different beauties with no one exactly like another. I admired our three little grandchildren the other day and was so amazed to see three little different persons with three different qualities and behaviors. It was truly amazing when I tried to compare them and I said, God is great. I cherish each one of them and all others because they are a wonderful blessing from you o God. Thank you for being so good to me o Father. You are a God of surprises. Give me the grace to love, accept, respect, and enjoy each one of your many artworks as they are. Generous Father, I love you.


3, Holy Spirit expand the capacity of my heart

Holy Spirit my helper, my Divine Consoler, I worship you. You search the hearts of men and unite them with the Father and the Son. Come to my help, renew, sanctify and expand the capacity of my heart. Let me not limit how far I can go in loving truly.  Empower me always to overcome what may stain my heart. Let love flow from my heart and fill my eyes, ears, and hands, to see with love, hear and touch with love. Lord Holy Spirit, I love and trust you, in your love unite me with the Father and the son. Amen

4, Father Lord, give me the simplicity of heart

Lord, you are not complicated. Give me the simplicity of heart, open to new knowledge. Help me to be open to the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, understand his promptings and respond to them freely. You are my God who gives meaning to my life, use me as you want. I love you my Father, my God. Amen


5, Lord God make me a harmonious being

Thank you, Father, thank you, Jesus, thank you Holy Spirit. Mighty God, I fling open the door of my heart for you to come in a dwell. You know everything, you know that I love you. Come with more peace, love, serenity and expand more the capacity of my heart and enable me to be real and balanced in all aspects of my life. That I may be harmonious in private and in open. Thank you Three in one, Mighty God. Amen

6, Thank you sweet Jesus for everything that turns around for my good

My Sweet Jesus, I trust in you for I know everything, good or bad that happens is always for my good. They are blessings in disguise for you know how to write on crooked lines. How can life be sweet without the cross? By taking up my cross and following you makes me more of a friend of yours and when it’s becoming a burden you make it lighter and give me rest. Yes, Lord, your grace is all over me and it’s enough for me. Tears may flow in the night but joy comes in the morning I trust. Thank you, sweet Jesus.

7, Lord help me carry my cross happily and follow you

Thank you dearest Lord Jesus for giving me the strength to carry my cross and follow you. This makes me whole and happy. Neglecting my cross will never make me complete and happy. Yes, Lord, happiness is a mixture of sweet and bitter. understanding your will in my life and accepting it, together with knowledge of your presence in me, makes me happy. I’m not alone in whatever situation I find myself in, why should I worry? I will only put my trust in God who is my refuge and my strength. Lord I just need your direction, your touch, your consolation for I know you love me and I’m happy. Help me to be truthful to myself, humble and loving to others even with my cross on my shoulder. This makes life beautiful. Thank you, sweet Jesus. Amen


8. Immaculate Heart of Mary, make my heart unto thine.

Immaculate Heart of Mary I honor you, make my heart like unto yours. Purest Mother Teach me the way of perseverance and true love. I place my family and friends into your immaculate Heart, bring us to Jesus your Son and obtain healing and blessings for us. I honor you my mother and model and love to be like you, teach me humility, self-acceptance, and endurance. I love you, dearest mother. Amen

9. Loving Father, help me to be holy as you are holy

Father Lord, I desire to be holy as you are holy so that I may be truly happy. If being holy were not possible you wouldn’t have invited me to be holy as you are holy. It is possible because I resemble you from creation out of your goodness. What I need is your grace o Father amidst all difficulties, trials, and temptations of this world, so that I may be able to overcome and remain holy and happy as you are. Father give me the grace I need. I love to be holy as you are holy. Teach me how to. Thank you for loving Father. Amen


10. Lord may I be happy in the fullness of your creation

Father, the beauty of your creation brings happiness every day of my life. I’m happy when I see the beauty of your creation; a brand new day, the sun, moon and stars, rain, snow, water, animals and forest, other people and their life’s situations, your wisdom in modern inventions, etc. In all these, I see how much you want me to live, enjoy and be happy. Thank you, Lord, for creating me for happiness which is everywhere and in everything and situation. Help me to be truly happy and bring happiness to others. I love you loving Father. Amen

11. Help me Lord to live life to the full for that’s why you came, Jn:10:10

Thank you, Lord, for you came that I may have life in abundance. You have given me a good example with your life, loving me without conditions, showing love to the tax collectors, outcasts, and sinners alike. You gave the best of yourself in saving us, even dying on the cross to free us. Even on the cross, you continue to forgive us for we do not know what we are doing. You continue to offer yourself in the alter for us as you will never stop loving us. What a wonderful example my Lord. As weak as I am, I feel so loved when I think and look at you. Lord, please, fill me to the brim, to overflowing with this life of yours. How I wish to be like you, to love as you love without conditions. Help me Lord in my efforts to live life in abundance. Thank you, Jesus. Amen


12. Father keep me from the stain of sin that I may see your glory

Loving Father, so great and merciful you are. Truly you created us for good and to be happy always but sin did it worst. How I wish I can avoid sin totally and live like the very first man and woman you created.   You gave them everything free and power over all to enjoy. They truly had a wonderful experience of your love, goodness, and Divine Providence. They enjoyed the beauty and sweetness of your heavenly paradise and glory before sin turned things around. Father help me by your grace to avoid sin and make a good plan to fully prepare for that day of my return to the first kind of life you wanted us to live, that paradise, that treasure that you first presented to us at creation. I pray also for our family members who have died and those about to, according to your will, that they may enter this paradise and enjoy your heavenly glory as you intended for us at the beginning. That those of us living may have a glimpse of your heavenly glory, that hidden treasure before it fully reveals when you want it. Help us, God. Thank you merciful and loving Father. Amen.

13. Mother Mary, Holy Queen of heaven and earth, teach me your ways

Holy Mother, my Queen and Model. I love and honor you on your feast day. As I lift up my hands to you day by day, hold my hands, teach me your ways and lead me to your Son my Lord and friend. Queen of heaven and earth I offer you my entire family intercedes for us. Amen

14. Holy Spirit Help me to choose the right today and always

Holy Spirit my helper inspires me to know what is right and what is wrong. Help me to choose the right today and always for the glory of God and my happiness. With this God’s promises to me will come true; a bright future full of love. Thank you Holy Spirit. AMEN


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