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Pollution Of The Environment Revision for kids 4 through 12

Pollution Of The Environment 

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Environmental Pollution. 

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  1. When gases, smoke, and chemicals are introduced into the environment in large doses that make it harmful to humans, animals, and plants it is known as ___________ pollution 
  2. There are three main types of pollution namely ___, ___ and ____ air pollution, water pollution, and land or soil pollution.
  3. The addition of toxic or poisonous substances into the water which destroys the quality of water, making it unfit for drinking is termed  _____________ Water pollution
  4. Some water pollutants include _____________ excess organic matter, petroleum products, agricultural chemicals, household waste, sewage.
  1. Water animals such as fish may die.
  2. Many water-borne diseases are transmitted.
  3. Polluted water becomes dirty and unfit for drinking.
  4. Contaminated water can harbor bacteria, such as those responsible for diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, hepatitis A, and polio.


  • Sewage should be properly treated before disposal.
  • Avoid using poisonous chemicals on crops, especially during the rainy season.
  • Chemicals from industries should be treated before disposing of in the water.
  • Avoid throwing household waste into water.
  1. This is the release of toxic poisonous substances into the soil which make it harmful to man and its environment. 
  2. Some soil pollutants include household waste such as plastic that does not decompose easily,
  3. Industrial products like fertilizers that do not decompose cause soil pollution,
  4. Engine oil from vehicles.

Environmental Pollution

  1. Heaps of dirt may serve as breeding grounds for dangerous animals.
  2. Oils split into the soil may destroy soil organisms.
  3. Urine passed out carelessly on the soil contains acids that destroy__________ organisms.
  1. Pits should be dug far from houses where household waste can be dumped.
  2. Dust bins with covers should be kept around houses, classrooms, offices, etc
  3. Avoid________________ urinating or defecating carelessly on the ground.
  4. Contaminated soil should be treated before growing crops.


  1. Air pollution is the addition of poisonous gases into the _________ atmosphere.  
  2. Some air pollutants include __________________________
  1. Toxic gases from industries.
  2. Carbon monoxide from exhausts of cars and motorcycles.
  3. Carbon Dioxide from fermented organic material.
  4. Smoke from burnt material.
 Some dangers of air pollution are _______
  1. It causes irritation of the eyes.
  2. It causes respiratory diseases. 
  3. Poisonous gases destroy crops and may lead to__________  hunger 
  4. Poisonous gases spread ___________ air borne diseases.
Some ways of Preventing Air Pollution are _____________
  1. Exhausts of cars should be cleaned very often.
  2. Good wood should be used to make fire.
  3. All solid and liquid waste should be properly disposed of.
  4. All industrial gas should be transformed into harmless substances.
 Waste Transformation

Waste can be transformed in many ways such as:

  1. Paper can be transformed into_____ pulp
  2. Bones are crushed and used in making _______ gum and glues.
  3. Sewage may be dried and burnt to use as _______ manure.
  4. Sludge from septic tanks can be used to form _______ domestic gas.
  5. Old aluminum sheets are used to make _______ pots.

Environmental Pollution

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