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Matter And The Environment Revision For Kids 4 Through 12

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Matter And The Environment Revision

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  1.  The surroundings where man, animals and plants live is called the______________ environment. 
  2. There are three kinds of environments. They include: _____________ the atmosphere, the soil, and water environments. 
  3. Anything that exists in each of the environments listed above is called ____ matter. There are two types of matter, namely;___________ Organic matter and inorganic matter
  4. Organic matter: it is made up of all living things and each has ___________  weight and occupies space. 
  5. Organic matter usually dies and decays. Examples of organic matter include ___________ plants, food, animals, fruits, etc.
  6. Some positive effects of organic matter are  __________
  7. They serve as_____________  homes to other living organisms
  8. When they decompose or decay they form __________ manure
  9. Their waste products__________ Enrich the soil.
  10. Plants help to purify the air during the process of ____ photosynthesis.
  11. Some negative effects of organic matter are that ___________
  12. When it decays it produces __________ bad odor.
  13. When poorly handled they_________ pollute the environment.
  14. Some animals and birds _________ some plants and crops in the environment.  destroy
  15. The_________  waste products of animals pollute the environment.
  16. Inorganic matter is made up of_______ that has weight and occupies space. non-living matter
  17. Some characteristics of inorganic matter are _____
  18. They are non-living 
  19. They are very hard
  20. They are very heavy
  21. They hardly decompose
  22.  Examples of inorganic matter include___ stones, iron, sand, soil, water, etc.
  23. Man-made matter are things man has used to produce which make _________________  life easier. 
  24. Some organic matter has been transformed by man as follows:
  25. The making of _________ from various plant fruits.  fruit juice
  26. The making of ________ from animal fat. butter
  27. The production of wool from_________  the skin of some animals. leather, dresses
  28. The production of _________ from plants. paper
  29. Some inorganic matter has been transformed by man as follows.
  30. Stones are shaped to build __________ houses.
  31. Sand and cement are mixed with water to__________ make blocks.
  32. Iron is cut into________ rods.
  33. Deadwood is used to make__________  furniture.

Read our e-book on General Knowledge Revision.

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