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Environmental Science Revision on Weather Observation and Climate for kids 4 through 12

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weather observations and climate

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  1. The atmospheric condition of a place is called___________ weather.
  2. These atmospheric conditions include________ rainfall, sunshine, temperature, clouds, wind speed and direction, humidity, air pressure etc.
  3. Weather is studied and recorded in a station called______________ meteorological station or Weather Station. 
  4. The Thermometer is used to measure _________ temperature. 
  5. The various thermometers are ____ and ____ clinical thermometers used to measure body temperature and Industrial thermometers used to measure very high temperatures in industries.
  6. The Wind vane is used to determine the_____ direction of the wind.
  7. The Anemometer is used to determine the _____ speed of the wind.
  8. The Rain gauge is used to measure the amount of______ rainfall.
  9. The Barometer is used to measure the______ air pressure
  10. The Hygrometer is used to measure the_____ humidity of the atmosphere
  11. The Ceilometer is used to measure the______ height of the cloud.
  12. The process whereby water changes to vapour and rises into the atmosphere is called_______________ Evaporation.
  13. Condensed water found on the grass in the morning is called_______ dew.
  14. Water vapour hanging in the atmosphere near the earth and difficult to see through is called____________ fog.
  15. Water vapour near the earth’s surface lighter than fog is called____ mist.
  16. A mass of smoke duct and visible water vapour in the air is called_______________ clouds.
  17. There are four kinds of clouds namely___, ___,___, and ___. Nimbus cloud, Cumulus cloud, Stratus cloud, and Cirrus cloud.
  18. Nimbus cloud: it is not far above the earth’s surface. It is dark grey and usually brings __________ rain.
  19. Cumulus cloud: it is also grey in colour but lighter than the nimbus cloud. It also brings _____ rain.
  20. Stratus cloud: it is lighter, high up the sky, it is whitish and usually indicates ___________ good weather.
  21. Cirrus cloud: it is white in colour and very high up the sky it indicates ___________ very good weather.
  22. People who observe or do research on weather are called ____  Meteorologists
  23. Meteorologists are often referred to on the news as ______ Weather forecasters.
  24. Weather Observation and Climate


  1. The weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period is referred to as _____ Climate
  2. What Are the Different Climate Types? ______ They are
  3. Tropical climate
  4. Dry/desert or arid climate
  5. Temperate climate
  6. Continental climate
  7. Polar climate
  8.  A climate situation Where cold air masses infiltrate during the winter and warm air masses form in summer under conditions of high sun and long days is known as ____ Continental climate.
  9. The parts of the world where the Continental climate exists include ____  much of North America, Central Russia, and Siberia.
  10.  The warm and wet climate experienced by places found on or close to the equator is known as __ Tropical Climate.
  11.  The tropical climate is also known as ___ Equatorial Climate
  12. The parts of the world where the tropical or equatorial climate exists include _____ the Equator and parts of North America, South America, Africa, Asia, and Australia
  13.  Dry places with bald, rocky, or sandy surfaces that receive little or almost no rainfall with very hot or very cold temperatures are experiencing the _________ dry or desert climate also known as arid climate
  14. The parts of the world where the desert climate exists include ___ North Africa, the American Southwest, the southern Andes, and western Australia.
  15.  Environments with moderate rainfall spread across the year or portion of the year with sporadic drought found closer to the poles are experiencing the _______ Temperate climate
  16. The parts of the world where the temperate climate exists include Canada and Alaska
  17. 411. Regions around the poles that are characterized by a lack of warm summers very cold and with a lot of snow are experiencing the _____ polar climate.
  18. The parts of the world where the polar climate exists include ______ Greenland, Siberia, and Antarctica.

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Weather Observation and Climate

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