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Children Are Angels. A fun game with Jesus

A fun game with Jesus

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A fun game with Jesus

It was the feast of Corpus Christi (Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ). Diana, four, and her Mom sat on the second row from the front in Church. The Priest had given a beautiful sermon about the Eucharist, emphasizing the real presence of Jesus in Holy Communion. Every Christian in Church that day was so touched as he recounted several incidents or miracles relating to the real presence of our Lord in the Eucharist.

The Liturgy was well prepared on that feast day, making it very solemn, a procession with Holy Communion inclusive. The choir sang solemnly and beautifully focusing on praise and worship of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. There was a special focus and attention by the worshippers that particular day during Consecration; a solemn ritual moment when bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ by the power of God the Father and the Holy Spirit, in the hands of His Priest on the altar. Many of the Christians present believed in this rite in a special way on that day.

Then came the moment of reception of Communion by the Christians. Diana was keenly watching the way Christians received communion. She started smiling, then very soon she started laughing out loud from time to time and would say “Oh no!” Her mother was surprised and asked her to stop making noise in Church, but Diana was so focused on the fun that she paid no attention to her mother. She would go, “Hahaha! Oh-no! Yes! She/he has won.” Her mom was so worried.

Her mom’s turn came, she went and received Communion, and back to her seat her little daughter said, “Congratulations Mom, he did not escape from you.” Her mother nearly spoke with communion in her mouth to ask “Who?” She thought it wise to give reverence to Christ in her at that moment and not to be distracted. She never understood what her little daughter meant and was more frustrated with her action. She could not wait to question her after Mass about all that was going on with her.

After Mass Diana’s mom hurriedly took her behind the Church and asked her what the hell was she disturbing in Church. Little Diana narrated her story. “Mom, I was having fun with that man” “Which man?” Her mom asked. “The man who sat in that cup Father held, who Father was lifting and giving to people. He was making fun and invited me to laugh with him. When a person comes and Father lifts Him up to give the person, He would jump up and happily hug the person and then look at me and we laugh as the person carried Him on back to his seat. When some other person comes and Father lifts Him up to give, He would jump far off and then sits back on the cup in Father’s hands, then he would laugh aloud with me. Father then just gives the person some piece of bread and he never had a hug. Oh, men! Mom, it was a fun game and I enjoyed the fun greatly. I laughed and laughed with him. Did you not enjoy it too, Mom?

Her terrified mother said yes in confusion, then took her to the priest, who listened to what Diana had to say. The Priest concluded that a little girl of four like Diana could not have created a lie of that magnitude and he believed that Jesus could truly have played the game with her. He added that this may just have been one of the Eucharistic miracles he had preached about that day. That Christians should always consider their state of life when coming to receive Holy Communion and how they live their lives as a whole.

The news spread amongst Christians and many learned a great lesson that they need to prepare well before reaching out to receive Holy Communion; the Body and Blood of Christ (Christ Himself) in Mass.

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A fun game with Jesus


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