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Stand Up For The Lord, Gospel Music

Stand up for the Lord, Gospel Music

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Ref; Stand up, stand up for the lord,

Oh you children of the lord,

For the king of glory comes.

Open you hearts and welcome him. 2x

  1. Open wide the ancient doors, lift up the an-cient portals, for the king of glory comes. Open your heart and welcome him.
  2. Open wide the ancient doors, lift up the an-cient portals, for the king of glory comes. Open your heart and welcome him.
  3. Who is he that enters? He is the king of glory; he is the lord of armies. Open your hearts and welcome him.
  4. I stand and knock at your door, if you hear and open, I will enter and dine with you. Open your hearts and welcome him.
2. Come Let us go to worship the Lord Most High

Come let us go,

come let us go,

To worship the Lord most high. x2

3. Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit, Spirit of the Father,

Holy Spirit, Spirit of Jesus,

Love of the Father and the Son,

come dwell within me, come dwell within me.

  1. Spirit of wisdom Spirit of truth – come dwell within me. Spirit of knowledge and understanding. – come dwell within me. Ref-
  2. Spirit of counsel and fortitude. – come dwell within me. Spirit of piety and fear of the Lord, come dwell within me. Ref-

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Music Album And My Mix

Stand up for the Lord Gospel Music

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