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Revision on Environmental Hazards for kids 4 through 12

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Environmental Hazards

On YouTube at https://youtu.be/M8Re7QfvX9Q


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  1. Environmental Hazards are happenings in our environment that are harmful to man and __________ other living organisms.  

  2.  There are two types of environmental hazards namely _____and _____. natural hazards and man-made or artificial hazards.

  3. Incidents that occur on their own without man’s contribution to their occurrence are known as _______ Natural hazards
  4. Some examples of natural environmental hazards are _______floods, storms, lightning and thunder, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, droughts, and landslides.


Volcanic Eruptions

  1. Volcanic eruptions occur as a result of two conditions under high pressures below the surface of the earth namely:  high temperatures and gases.
  2. This high temperature and pressure melt very hard rock which is forced to the surface in the form of ___________ magma. 
  3. The magma then comes out through cracks with violent____ explosions.

  4. __________ is an example of a volcanic mountain.   Mount St Helens, Washington, Mount Buea


Dangers of Volcanic Eruptions

  1. _____ produced is too hot and can kill both plants and animals. Magma
  2. Magma can destroy _________ and _________ . homes and farmlands
  3. Sometimes they solidify or harden and block _________ roads.
  4. __________ released during eruptions may be poisonous to humans and animals.  Gases

How to avoid volcanic Eruptions

Volcanic eruptions are natural disasters and cannot be prevented. We can only avoid it by;

  1. Monitoring that before it occurs we should  ________ the place. evacuate 
  2. Houses, schools, hospitals should not be built near the ___________ mountain area.
Pests on crops

Pests also bring natural disaster to _______ crops on farms.

Some pests that attack cash crops are _____ caterpillars, weevils, locusts, grasshoppers, cricket, yam beetles, rat moles, piercing moths, and stem borers. 

Man-made Hazards: 
Examples of man-made hazards are:
  1. pollution of the environment
  2. floods
  3. War.
  4. Disruptions in Services such as Water, sewer, communications, travel, etc.
  5. Airline disaster.
  6. Transportation disaster by truck and rail.
  7. Biological agents like side effects of drugs.
  8. Hazardous materials use like poorly constructed trucks, rails, and pipelines.
  9. Stampeding in Mass Gatherings.
  10. Weapons of mass destruction.
  11. Man-made bush fires

  • A flame that produces light and heat is called ____ fire
  • Some sources of fire are ______ lightning, stone, matches, gas lighter, etc
  • Fire is used in many ways, some of which are_____ 

_ for cooking, 

– welding of metals, 

– heating in cold weather, 

– production of goods in the factory.

Read our General Knowledge Revision e-book.





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