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Fruits of my daily reflections 2


I was just thinking of what to do or where to keep the daily fruits of my reflections; my encounter with my God, when the thought of sharing with great friends like you come to my mind. As children of God we are called to share, to love, to care for one another, and to walk humbly with God. Though having prayed my written daily prayers over and over again, I still feel more closely united with my God each time I pray with. So, Instead of keeping them to myself, I ask myself why can I not share them with my friends. At first, I used to pray and would not care about writing my inspirations down but when I discovered that God truly and directly answered some of my prayers I decided to write them down since June 2020, and I would get back to some with thanksgiving updates whenever I receive a direct answer. My reflections and inspiration have always come from daily mediation texts sent to me by my Spiritual Director and some from the daily Mass Readings and other spiritual material like the life of saints and novenas. Not forgetting the Hallow Prayer App with its daily Lectio Divina and other prayers that I cherish so much. So dear friends, pray with me my daily prayers, for prayer is the key to any good life. Remember you will not go empty-handed for no prayer is small or goes unanswered. let’s continue with 11 Prayers more to uplift our intimacy with God. 11 faith-searching prayers to keep us closer to our God.

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Let us pray :

  1. I offer you my daily struggles o Lord my God

I offer you my daily struggles o Lord my God, hoping and trusting in your grace to make me strong to carry on. You are full of compassion and love, make my heart like yours today and forever. Amen


2. Each day is a blessing dear lord

Each new day is a blessing, dear lord. I get up just to discover it each morning. You had prepared it beautifully for me. Thank you, Lord. May I live to see and love what each day holds for me. Amen

3. Jesus, Fountain of life, fill me with life today

Loving Jesus, Fountain of Life, Fountain of divine Providence, I worship and glorify your Holy name this day. Give me a drink o Fountain of life, that I may have life and share life with others today and forever. Amen


4. Dear Jesus, you are right here for me

Good morning dear Jesus, you are here. I hear your words as you talk to me. You are always by my side I know. You whisper to me always before it happens. How wonderful are you? Even when I think I have not been that close to you this time, you are right there with me. You correct me when I’m about to think the wrong way. I need your grace always, dearest Lord to resemble you in all I do. Let others see and glorify your name. I love you, Jesus. Amen

5. Let love be my guiding spirit today o Lord

Loving Father, thank you for a new and wonderful day. Let love be my guiding spirit this day. Let me not be over-excited or over judgmental but loving. Jesus, I trust in you. Amen.


6. Help me to be truthful in everything I say and do today o dear Lord.

Loving Father, help me to be truthful in everything I say and do. Help me to do what I’m to do today perfectly and truthfully. Let me know you are with me as I feel your presence and see your hand at work in my thoughts, words, and actions. I love you, my God. Amen.

7. Fill me up with pleasant Language o Lord

Dear Lord thank you for the day of today. Once more I see the beauty of your creation. As a living creature of yours, I offer you today my thoughts, words, and acts. Fill me up with pleasant Language towards my husband, grandkids, family, and friends o Lord, that I may resemble you truly as you want. Give me the grace dear Jesus. Amen.


8. Thank you Father Lord for your everlasting love and goodness.

Thank you Father Lord for your everlasting love and goodness. You never fail and are full of surprises for your loved ones. Why should I not be myself before my God who loves me this much? Being myself and living in the present is the best thing happening to me now. Here I am Lord.

9. Each day is a blessing, dear Lord

Each new day is a blessing dear, lord. I get up just to discover it each mourning. You had prepared it beautifully for me. Thank you, Lord. May I live to see and love what each day holds for me. Amen


10. Dear Lord, Let peace reign and flow like a river from my heart

Amen! Dear Lord, let peace reign and flow like a river from this heart you created. No matter how small that river may be to the world let it be true, refreshing, and natural. May my sayings and actions, my going out and in speak peace dearest Lord to myself and others, and onto the world. I asked this through you, my friend, and my Lord. Amen

11. May I remain faithful to my promises to you o dear Lord

With the meekness of a baby, the innocence of a child, the weakness of kids, I decide to remain faithful to my promises to you o dear lord dispute life torments. Your grace, only your grace dear Lord I need. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, teach me to be holy and help my family to be holy as you are holy. O Mother Mary, my mother and model, teach me to be faithful and humble as you are. Amen


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