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African Traditional Dish Achu and Yellow Soup

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Achu and Yellow Soup

On Youtube: https://youtu.be/BlwSpS0eLyc

Achu and Yellow soup is a typical African Traditional dish of the Ngemba clan in Cameroon. It is a dish so abundant in various food nutrients. Because of its richness, this traditional dish has become so popular that it is now eaten all over the country and in many countries of the world. The process to come out with a tasty dish of Achu and Yellow Soup is in three stages; the preparation, the actual pounding, and the Yellow soup preparation.

The Preparation

The main ingredients for preparing Achu and Yellow soup are coco-yams, banana, red palm oil, cow meat and skin, salt, magi, Limestone (Niki), achu soup spices, and pepper. The pepper is only for those who eat it. In my village setting, the coco-yams and bananas are harvested from the farm while the other ingredients are bought from the market or store. Of course, one must buy all the parts in a city. The traditional plates (banana leaves) are also harvested and warmed over a glowing fire then split into rectangular forms ready for use in the second stage to tie the achu (coco-yam fufu) itself.  In a city, we use a dish in place of the leaves.

The coco-yam and banana are washed and put in a sizable pot, beginning with the coco-yams, then the banana, and finally some tender or young coco-yams at the top. The pot is then covered with banana leaves or foil paper and allowed to cook until the coco-yam and banana are soft enough for pounding.

on Youtube” https://youtu.be/whHQL0nDvU8

Achu African Dish
African Dish Achu and Yellow Soup

long achu mortar
long achu mortar
Image result for achu bundles
Bundles of Achu

Pounded coco-yam and banana (achu)

The Actual Pounding

When the coco-yam and banana are well cooked,

  • Firstly we peel the tender or young coco-yams and pound them.
  • Then pound the banana and mixed with the pounded coco-yam. This is done in about two or more batches depending on the quantity. Each batch is mixed up with the previous one to keep it continuously soft and smooth. At the end of this stage, all the pounded coco-yam and banana are well mixed until it is smooth to form a dough.
  • Water is added if the dough is too tight; otherwise, it is just fine.
  • The softer dough or call it fufu is then removed and tied up in bundles known as bundles of achu.

On Youtube: https://youtu.be/o3zDd2VwNII

Yellow Soup Preparation

While the coco-yam and banana are being pounded, the meat and skin is also cooking on the fireplace.

  • Firstly, slice the meat and skin and wash it thoroughly.
  • Secondly, put in a pot and add enough water, salt, and magi.
  • Then, allow to cook until it is soft enough. This can take about thirty to forty-five minutes, depending on the type.
  • Mixed the red palm oil and “Niki” in a bowl or pot till it turns pure yellow.
  • Drain the stock from the meat and pour it into the bowl or pot. Use a second bowl to mix the soup well by turning it from bowl to bowl till it is pure yellow and thick enough. You can also use a blender to blend if you have one otherwise continue mixing for about two to three minutes, depending on the quantity.

On Youtube: https://youtu.be/XYl07KXCBYw

When these three stages are accomplished then, Achu and Yellow Soup is ready for the table. Yummy!

Achu and Yellow Soup
Achu and Yellow Soup

Achu and Yellow Soup

Eating Achu
Eating Achu
Eating Achu
Eating Achu

The video above presents the complete process of preparing Achu and Yellow Soup.

Some health benefits of Achu and Yellow Soup

Considering its ingredients, Achu and Yellow Soup is very rich in

  • Carbohydrates from the coco-yams.
  • Proteins from the meat.
  • Vitamins from red palm oil and vegetable.
  • Fats oils from the red palm oil.
  • Calcium from the yellow soup
  • The yellows soup also fixes minor stomach upsets.


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